I got my much anticipated new rubberstamps from Bea at Katzelkraft today. I was so excited, I couldn't wait to rip open the package and love all over it. Bea was such a gracious, lovely woman to work with. She contacted me because she had seen some posts I left over at SCS about her store in France. I just loved her rubber & couldn't help myself. When she found out that I wasn't a customer (just an admirer) she offered to place my order at the right time to get the 'Happy Hour' special - 30% off! Now, how could I possibly turn that down? To add to that, she has discounted international shipping - which made it half off as well. THEN (even better!) she sent me FREEBIES! Yup, when I told her that I would convince my DH that I needed the flourishes (someday, he's not so much a flourish-y kind of guy) she offered to send me an imperfect sheet. One small, itty bitty imperfection - on an otherwise perfect sheet. Can you imagine my surprise when I opened up my parcel today and she sent me a SECOND freebie sheet?? Again, just one tiny imperfection. Now, how great is that?! Hopefully I'll get a pic posted of my glorious new rubber. Until then, go and drool!

Bonjour !
I find you, this is a new blog isn't it ? I can't wait to see what you'll do with my stamps ;-)
Yay! Bea, you found me! Yes it is a new endeavour for me... and you were the one that encouraged me!
I *hope* I can do your lovely stamps justice!
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