This is our new addition, Lila. She came to us from the Humane Society - she was owner surrendered. She is a very good dog (so far, at least) and we haven't had very many problems at all. If I had to list the problems she has, it would be that her previous owners just didn't do well by her. She doesn't really know how to play (ball? what's that?) and she is quite timid (backyard? by myself?? um, no!). I can't really tell yet who is more wary, the boy or the dog! :) At least she isn't wrestling him to the ground!
In other pet news, our kitty is desperately ill. I

Then, of course, there was the Christmas madness. Let me tell you, the week(s) leading up to Christmas are hell on a 4 year old's attitude! ;) Although we did take time to go see Blue Man Group (thanks to my dad) and everyone had an awesome time - even said 4 year old! If you ever get the chance to see them, do it! Way more of a 'show' than a concert. Highly entertaining!
I think I'll post a second time today - adding cards to this post seems like not a good idea. Look for that one in a few minutes!
Thanks for dropping by!

Hi Mari! Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment. I will definitely come back to yours when I am not quickly cruising, trying to soothe myself back to sleep. :) {do you ever do that?}
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry to hear about your kitty. :( Animals, like people, come here with their own crazy mix of personality. Though they can drive us batty at times we love them. It's never easy to see them go. :(
Sorry to hear about your kitty!!! I have a 20 year old who is very frail these days and when it comes time she will be very missed - she has nursed me and both my kiddos through colds and heartbreaks for a long time (DH is not a critter person but she even tries to 'mother' him :). My pooch is a rescue dog too - he had been abused to the point where it made him a bit agressive at times but he soon turned into the sweetest ol muut you could ask for!!!!
I love my critters :)!!
thanks for the interesting information
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